Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

The cherry blossoms have bloomed and we are very lucky that Yokosuka Naval base is full of them! Damian's allergies have been driving him crazy this week, and I don't think me telling him how beautiful the cherry blossoms are all day long helps him feel any better.... This picture is right in front of our building and most of the main streets on base are lined by the beautiful blossoms! It's starting to get warmer here too... the afternoon sun on our patio is helping me maintain my Hawaii tan and it also warms the house up so much! The wind is still pretty crazy coming off the water, but at least the sun is shining! A few nights ago we had 60+ MPH winds, and they shut down the base early (gym, exchange, commissary) and told everyone to move stuff from outside... Damian was at a class at the hospital and when he came home later that night he walked in to our patio set in the living room and our poor plants locked in the storage closet... the wind was blowing so hard the windows were rattling all night! Typhoon season is just around the corner, so I'm guessing this is not going to be the only time the patio set is going to be in the middle of our living room in the next few months!

The new movie that just came out BATTLESHIP had its world premier in Tokyo on Tuesday, but on Monday, the cast and director were here on base and did a press conference on the GW... kind of exciting and neat but we didn't go.... I wasn't about to stand in line to meet Rihanna and Brooklyn Decker, but it was kind of cool that they did the press conference on the flight deck of Damian's ship... red carpet and ALL!

Other than that all is pretty quiet over here on the other side of the world... Damian and I head to Las Vegas on Saturday for a nursing conference for a week... Spring Break 2012!!!! Damian has been busy at work and I have been busy reading all 3 Hunger Games books... so addictive! haha Hopefully we will have some more exciting things to blog about when we get back!!!

Wishing everyone a Happy Passover and/or Happy Easter!

Japanese Word of the Day:
Haru: Spring

1 comment:

  1. This blog is so great, it is fun to see what you're up to. Lots of adventures!
