Singapore is an island nation off the tip of Malaysia and about 85 miles north of the equator! HOT! There are approximately 5 million people who live on this tiny island and that is approximately 19,000 people per square mile... what?!?! The population is made up mostly of Chinese, Malay, and Indian people, as well as many people from Europe and the U.S. The official language is English, although most people here speak many languages.

I arrived on Wednesday night around midnight and Damian's ship came in the next day! We met up that afternoon and went to explore around our hotel and also in Chinatown which is HUGE here! The shopping was about the same as in any Chinatown around the world... lots of stuff that you may buy but by the time you get home you're not sure why you bought it... we did a lot of looking around in the shops but didn't buy anything. We did stop and share a dragonfruit & kiwi fruit smoothie... it was so yummy!
*Sorry no words of the day for this trip, but once I'm back in Japan I will continue!
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