Welcome home George Washington! The forward deployed aircraft carrier USS George Washington returned to it's home port of Yokosuka, Japan, yesterday morning after a very long year of deployments. The ship was due back at the pier around 11 AM, which means I headed over to my friend's place right on the water to keep a look out for them around 8 AM. From Kate's place on the 9th floor right on the water you can see the GW enter the channel while it is still about an hour out from getting to the pier. At first we heard the helicopter and knew the ship must be close! It was really awesome to see it get closer and closer, and as it did we could see the sailors manning the rails-- which was pretty awesome!

After they were out of our sight we drove down to the pier and arrived just in time to watch the ship back in... .that's pretty wild to watch a ship that big back up into a spot. As it was backing up I spotted Damian up in the "bridge" (that middle high section of the ship)... even from faraway he looked so handsome. Once the ship gets there it is a long process to get the brows in place, and the anchor dropped, and everything all set up for them to get off. About an hour later Damian got off the ship and even though I have seen him a few times in the last few months in different ports, it felt different because he was HOME! AND I had never seen him in his dress blues before and he had lots of new chest candy to show me!!!!
It was great to see him and to finally get to show him our apartment. We had a very relaxing afternoon and just hung out at home and watched movies and spent some time together. Today he had to go into work for a little bit and tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Damian and I are going to do some cooking in the morning together and then we are heading to a friends house for a potluck Thanksgiving dinner! This year I am thankful for so many things, but mostly that my husband is back home, safe and sound. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Japanese Word of the Day:
Hōmupēji (home-ew-peh-gee): Home
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