Happy New Year!!!! It was pretty strange ringing in the New Year earlier than all our friends and family back home... then going to bed, sleeping for a few short hours, waking up, taking the train home from Tokyo (slightly hungover) and then still being able to call the U.S. and wish everyone a Happy New Year before the ball even dropped in Times Square.... Anyway, let me start from the beginning... we decided pretty last minute that we were going to go to Tokyo to ring in 2012, and booked our hotel about 5 hours before we actually got there... we got a pretty good deal and it was in the area of Tokyo we wanted to be in! We took the train up to Tokyo and Damian had his first experience with the Tokyo subways which was all positive considering they are clean, on time, and somewhat user friendly after you get the hang of it! We checked into our hotel around 1600 and everyone was very nice and spoke enough English to get by! Our first impression while walking down the hall to our room was "wow, all the doors are miniature size..." It felt kind of like a funhouse or something... We were already prepared for a "Japanese-style" hotel and expected it to be small, but this was something else! We opened the door to a room that was smaller than our bedroom (probably about 8x10) which barely had enough room for a double bed and about 1-2 feet to walk to the door... The bed was fine for one night, it was hard as a rock and the pillows were sort of a joke... this was going to be an adventure! The bathroom was about the size of an airplane bathroom and actually looked very similar with a teeny tiny tub/shower! It was perfect for one night in Tokyo, but definitely not for more than that!

We met up with a friend at the hotel then headed out (walking) to Roppongi to meet some more friends at a restaurant/bar! We met them at Suji's, and for any of my friends here in Japan who are reading, I highly recommend this restaurant if you are in Tokyo, it is a New York style restaurant with comfort foods, all very good! We actually spent the entire night hanging out there with the Owner (her name is Suji and she is pretty awesome) and a group of people. We drank, danced and had a blast! This restaurant has a direct view of Tokyo Tower and right before midnight we went out to watch them light it up with "2012!!!" It was all pretty awesome! After that we headed to a karaoke bar and stayed out playing until around 0330! It was a great night and a perfect start to our new year ahead!
On New Years Day we had to check out of our hotel by 1000, which sort of sucked... but we headed back on the train and were back home by around noon! We spent the day watching movies and lounging around while we recovered from our fun night! Damian also had the 2nd off and we had a low key day and stayed home and played Wii most of the day! He is back to work today, and I started back at the gym bright and early this AM! 2011 was an amazing year for us and I'm sure 2012 will be another adventure for us as well!
Happy New Year again to all of our family and friends! May you all have a very healthy and happy 2012!
Japanese Word of the Day:
Tsukareta (skah-retta): Tired
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