Monday, March 5, 2012

Week In Review... And Other Stuff

Sorry it's been so long since I have written... now to catch you all up on a few things. Last week went by pretty quickly, Damian has been pretty busy at work getting ready for inspections and doing lots of training and mostly just being the BEST GW RN ever!!! It was cold and rainy a lot of the week and also most of last weekend too so we have been laying pretty low! I worked as a substitute teacher at the high school here on base a few times last week as well which certainly helps pass the time. One day I was the gym teacher (pause for laughter) and the other day I was with the ROTC students- but they totally run the show so needless to say I am getting a lot of reading in on my "work" days! I bring my Kindle and pretend I am in charge even though I'm pretty sure the students know I'm not really a "take-charge" person and all goes well! The picture to the right is of me (obviously) cooking dinner the other night... as you can see I really AM turning Japanese!!! I bought this kimono-like jacket at one of the bazaars on base and I wear it around the house as a robe sometimes... Damian walked into the kitchen and got a good laugh out of this, especially with my crazy thick bangs and hair piled on top of my head...

At the end of last week I went on a little adventure with some friends to Costco... yup Costco, just like the ones in the U.S. It was fun... but Costco is always fun! They have pretty much ALL the same stuff as in the states (like the "Kirkland" brand) as well as a bunch of Japanese bulk items too! It was incredibly packed, but pretty much every grocery store in Japan is packed so I really don't know why this surprised me! I got a few staples... like an extra large bag of edamame, which is always in high demand in this house! AND of course we had lunch there... they have the same stuff as regular Costco... hot dogs, pizza, chicken bakes etc... I didn't buy these bananas at Costco but I was standing in the kitchen eating a banana and the Chiquita girl caught my eye... I thought that maybe the Chiquita bananas here should have a girl in kimono with the fruit on her head... it was just funny to see the Japanese print under the word "chiquita." Anyway... that's all for now. Damian and I are leaving for Hawaii next week to celebrate our 1 year Wedding Anniversary.... I know... I can't believe it has been a year already... It's been an awesome year and we are excited for this vacation together!!!

Japanese Word of the Day:
Sukoshi (sko-shi): A little or a bit

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