Sunday, October 14, 2012

Port Call: Guam, USA

A few weeks ago I met the Damian in Guam on a 4 day port call. Guam is a US territory so technically I was back in the US for a few days! It is about a 3 hour flight from Japan and only 1 hour time difference so it was definitely an easy port call to go to. It was so hot and humid there- and extremely close to the equator! It is a pretty small island, but when a ship that big pulls in, it becomes really crowded with sailors!!! Guam is a very popular spot for the Japanese to vacation so everything was first in Japanese and then in English... sort of felt like Japan so it wasn't really a big adjustment! We stayed at a hotel a little bit of the main strip to have some quiet, and we had a nice ocean view as you can see from the picture! It was overcast and cloudy most of the days we were there but we still got A LOT of sun... maybe even too much. This was not a big adventurous vacation like most of our trips since it was barely 2 weeks after my surgery and I still was recovering and taking it pretty easy. Damian also needed a little R&R as he has been working like crazy on the ship the past few months!

We pretty much hung out by the pool at the hotel and took lots of naps during this vacation. We did venture into the busy part of Guam and went to an aquarium. At night it turns into a lounge with drinks and tables right next to the tanks where you can watch the fish, sharks, and stingrays swim around you! It was actually pretty cool and a relaxing and fun time. We spent about 3 and a half days together and then I headed back to Japan and Damian back to the ship... a few more months of deployment left and I won't be making it to any other ports before the ship pulls back in...  That's all for now.

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