A little tiny kid-size Mikoshi... so cute! |
Mikoshi are literally translated as a divine palanquin (wheel-less vehicle)... they are believed to be a vehicle to transport deity from the main shrine to other shrines or locations for festivals! They sort of resemble a miniture shrine with a roof, pillars, and walls, and have VERY ornate design! They are truly beautiful and all so unique. Mikoshi are all different shapes and sizes from small ones children can carry to very large ones that take over 50 people to lift. The Mikoshi Parade in Yokosuka was on October 21st and started out in town and then moved onto base... it lasted for hours and hours. We watched all of it from on base and it took about 2 hours for the entire parade to go through! It was a hot day to boot and by the time the mikoshi's made it to us some of the people were drenched in sweat and looked defeated!

There are many different ways to "shoulder" a mikoshi and I'm not even going to get into it because it's complicated, however, I will tell you that each way has a different chant and a different pattern for moving/swaying the mikoshi around... some go up and down, some side to side... Some of them even get wild and wave it all around... this was thought to "entertain the gods." The people who carry the Mikoshi are usually all dressed the same or in the same color... then there are a few people in costumes... I'm not sure of the significance, but it sure is entertaining! A lot of people wear garments that do not cover their goods... if you know what I mean... This guy had jingle bells hanging off his thong... Thanks Lois for the pictures!!!!
One of the many Mikoshi in the parade! |
I was sitting on the sidewalk watching the parade go by, minding my business, clapping and singing along (I was making up my own words since I couldn't figure it out) and one of the guys pulls me out to help carry the Mikoshi... At first I protested since I have ZERO muscles and really shouldn't be lifting but I figured when else will I ever get to do this??? The picture reminds me of that old Sesame Street bit "One of these things is not like the other... one of these things just doesn't belong... la la la." I stand out a little.. and that thing was heavy as all heck and I barely had it on my shoulder. I look ridiculous in my workout gear too, but it was pretty neat. After I finished and went back to my spot in the shade, the man who pulled me out gave me this really cool linen cloth that I am going to frame since it has the date and "Yokosuka Mikoshi Parade" on it!!! BONUS!!!!

Thanks again Lois for getting my picture! I can now cross this off my bucket list... I'm a little sad Damian has to miss all this fun stuff because I know he would really like it, but maybe we can go to another Mikoshi parade somewhere else before we leave Japan!
Japanese Word of the Day:
Shiri (she-ree): Butt
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