Welcome to the land of the rising sun SIL!!! The sun was blaring by 4:30 AM!!! It was a beautiful day in Yokosuka, Japan! After breakfast of champions... Dunkin' Donuts of course, we got ready and headed to the USS George Washington for a tour! Damian took us all around the ship including the "bridge" where Rae-Ann got to sit in the Commanding Officer's chair, went for a little walk on the flight deck, walked the the hangar bays, to the "focastle" to see the anchor chains, and a thorough tour of the medical department including radiology!!! It was a great tour as usual with an exceptional tour guide!
The next day we headed to Kamakura, a very historic area in Japan with of course LOTS to see! We started with the Big Buddha and then went to Hase-dera which was Rae-Ann's favorite temple. Amazing views and lots to explore! We had a fun time exploring it together! We got ice cream... Sweet Potato/Vanilla swirl for SIL and Green Tea/Sweet Potato swirl for me! Then we were off to the major shopping area in Kamakura where we bought lots of unique gifts! and had fun looking in all the shops! Unfortunately everywhere we went was super crowded this day... a true Japanese experience I suppose!
The next day we had our Kimono dressing class that we went to on the base. Lucky for us we were the only 2 students and had the run of the place. Our teacher dressed us up in traditional Japanese Kimonos and taught us all about them as well... everything is very symbolic- right down to the patterns to the length of the sleeves to the different ways they tie the obi. We were able to pic our own Kimonos and Obis (the middle part) which was pretty neat! We had lots of fun with our instructor and took a lot of pictures in silly poses with our props... enjoy a small sampling to your left! The teacher kept telling SIL how cute she was and everything she did was... luckily I taught SIL the Japanese word for "cute" earlier that day!!!
Later that night we all went to a Yokohama Baystars baseball game and had yummy chu-hi's and had fun cheering with all of our new friends! We sat in the bleachers which is the BEST place to sit if you ask me! The chu-hi's went down a little too smooth and the next day was a quiet day for us!
The last day SIL was here visiting we did a few things around the base, then got to go to LT Storz's "hail & farewell" which was really nice... a little long, but they had wine!
It was a great trip and we were definitely sad to see SIL fly back to the U.S. It was an amazing trip and we can't wait to see her again soon!!!
Japanese Word of the Day:
Kawaii (ka-why-ee): Cute
(I know this is a repeat, but it's a good word you can use a lot)
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