Long day today! I had my first day of orientation which was a lot of information (some useful and some just common sense), but I'm still sick with this cold so I really wasn't feeling like sitting in a big classroom ALL day today! Damian came and met me for lunch so that made the day much better. I was done around 3pm so I walked home, which really isn't too bad... about 10 minutes!
Damian and I ventured out of the gate today to go explore off the base. I was starting to feel a little stir-crazy behind these gates... probably just how a lion feels after being at the zoo for awhile! The city of Yokosuka is really right outside the gates... pretty cool actually! It was about a 20 minute walk from our apartment to get through the gate. We walked down Blue Street which is one of the busy streets right outside the base. There are some great stores for shopping both for food and clothes! I saw some good looking produce stores (the produce on base kinda sucks- and is pricey) and some super cute thrift shops and other clothing stores.
We found a cute little sushi place where we stopped for dinner. It was actually in a mall. It was one of those places where the plates come by on a conveyer belt and you just take whatever you want... each plate has a color related to how much it is and that's how they charge you after you're done... There was unlimited green tea right in front of us and it was so tasty! Damian had tuna, salmon, eel, some white fish, and a crab roll. I had a cucumber roll, tofu/rice sweet roll, edamame, and a bean curd thingy (i'll find out the name for next time). It was funny because we had all these plates stacked in front of us... fatty's!!! No sake this time... I'm holding out until I feel better! It was really good, everything was delicious, and we walked it all off with our walk home!

It was great to get off the base and really see Japan for an evening. I loved being among the Japanese people in their world... I can't wait until I can actually talk to them a little too! Mostly I loved date-night with my hubby, it was fun to get to explore together.
Japanese word of the day:
Unagi: eel (some of you may remember this from that FRIENDS episode with Ross...)
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