*took this pic from the USS GW before we pulled back into port on the Family Cruise!!!
Last night we got the keys to our new place and I brought Damian there to check it out for the first time! He liked it... especially the view!!! We walked from our new place (Rokuban Tower... which means "sixth".. this being the 6th high rise tower) to the exchange, commissary, and furniture store just to look around. AND... I found a Dunkin Donuts ON BASE... I lived in San Diego for 4 years and there was no DD, all I had to do was go a little further West to Japan... who would have thought???
We had dinner at Chili's... it was pretty good.... the Margarita was at least! We were in bed early, long day and we both had to get up early this AM too! Damian went off to work on the ship around 0630 and I packed up all of our stuff at the Navy Lodge and got ready to head to our new place. Our loaner furniture was delivered and the inspector came and we walked around the apartment together. There are a few very minor things I requested to be fixed and that will get done next week.
Kate brought me to get my phone, cable, and internet set up and then we did a BIG shop at the home good store and commissary to get us started in our new apartment. I've been unpacking, doing laundry, and trying to get us somewhat settled in this makeshift apartment... I will be so happy when our stuff arrives from San Diego... the furniture they gave us is functional, but it is not comfortable... it looks like a waiting room in our living room! BUT at least I have internet and phone!!!
We have a little more shopping to do tonight and we will probably lay low... tomorrow we are up and out of here at 5am!!!
Japanese phrase of the day:
Arigato Gozaimasu: Thank you (although you can use just "arigato" it's just not as formal)
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