Tuesday, February 21, 2012

PROM 2012

OK, so it wasn't really prom, it was the U.S.S. George Washington Birthday Ball... held last Thursday night at one of the clubs here on base! We started with a pre-party at our friends place and then headed over to the main event. There was lots of food (mostly meat... see below) and lots of desserts and of course birthday cake... although none of us seemed to get any of that! There was also DANCING....which was super fun!!!They gave away a bunch of prizes but we didn't seem to win any... and there was a good size group there together from the Medical Department so we of course had good company! Mostly it was nice to get all dressed up and go out... instead of hanging around in my Navy sweatpants all day (and night) haha! There were a few hundred people there (at least) and the party was held on 3 different floors which gave it a weird feel and it seemed like there were multiple parties going on. We spent a lot of time going up and down the stairs.... in wicked cute high heels too, so my feet were a little tender the next day.... I couldn't even remember the last time I put heels on!!! haha!

The good thing was if you attended "prom" you didn't have to go to work the next day... although Damian was on leave anyway, it was nice to sit home the next day and do nothing! I also want to give a BIG shout out to Katherine who is pretty awesome and went to the store in Boston to try on this exact dress so she could tell me what size to order online so I could have it shipped to Japan... Thanks tomodachi!!!!!

Japanese Word of the Day:
Sho (show): Prize

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