Back to reality... as I mentioned in my previous post, I was going to head to Human Resources to scout out a job. I haven't worked for 6 months now and I'm going a little bit stir crazy and am eager to either start my Nurse Practitioner career or to at least continue working as a Nurse while I'm here. Those student loans aren't going to pay themselves.... gulp! So, I called HR on base yesterday and they have absolutely nothing... well, they have lots of openings at the hospital but I am unfortunately overqualified for all of them. The contract organization that works with the hospital also has no openings here in Yokosuka, and the Department of Defense school system here is not looking for any school nurses. I spoke with the HR representative for the hospital and she said Nursing positions are very limited to people not in the service... BUT I'm not giving up quite yet!!!

The American Red Cross Yokosuka Chapter has volunteer opportunities throughout the hospital where I could use my skills and education and volunteer as a Nurse or Nurse Practitioner (hopefully). This gets me in the door and people will get to know me... this could mean a position may become available or open and being in the system already I would be an excellent candidate. I just have to be patient... "Patience young grasshopper." So, today I spent my morning at the American Red Cross Volunteer Orientation and I should be hearing from the hospital sometime next week so I can attend that orientation.
Tonight, Damian and I attended a "Hail and Farewell (and for anyone wondering this is not in reference to the 1936 film entitled Hail and Farewell)... I digress... It is a traditional military event to welcome the Officer newcomers to the command and honor the ones who are leaving. It is mandatory for the active duty to attend however there were not that many people there. Damian was hailed tonight which just means he got called up and was introduced (and so was his beautiful wife) and they said where he came from and what he likes to do in his free time. The BIG thing happening on base tonight was the changing of command of the 7th fleet... roads were closed and there was a huge ceremony on one of the ships for all the important people to attend.
That's all for today...
Japanese phrase of the day:
Shitsureishimasu: Excuse Me (Thanks Auntie Jo!)
Keep plugging, your a hustler, I know you will prevail.