Our dehumidifier is working it's ass off today trying to keep up. We have it right in the middle of our hallway so it can attack the humidity at all angles and we empty it 2-3 times a day (1 gallon of water each time)... there are little lights on the side that tell us if there is low, moderate, or high humidity in the air, and most days it stays RED for high humidity! We also keep the bathroom and kitchen fans on at all times to help keep it dry in here.

Yesterdays adventure was the Japanese supermarket... I don't even know if I can explain this experience enough so you can really get the picture. There is not enough Xanax in this world to keep me calm in crowds like this! It was a Thursday afternoon and you would of thought it was the day before Thanksgiving if you saw crowds like this in the U.S. Apparently, most of the Japanese shop everyday and get just a few things... that's not really how I roll... I like shopping once, maybe twice a week and I get everything I need to cook! I couldn't turn around without bumping into someone in this place... and the craziest thing was... it was dead quiet! The Japanese are very quiet, polite people... they don't say a word... and then there's me who talks ALL the time... usually about nothing! Anyway, the produce section was awesome... although there are still a lot of fruits/veggies that I don't know exactly what they are. The rest of the store is nice, but I can't read Kanji and have no idea what I am buying. I did buy some Inari (rice wrapped in sweet tofu) and some rice triangle things with some sort of fish inside (those were for Damian to figure out). So, we get into line and they ring you up so quickly and put everything back into your basket and hand you the bags... you move down the assembly line and bag your own groceries! Truly an adventure.
Fast forward to last night, I made a yummy stir-fry with carrots, snap peas, eggplant, zucchini, and broccoli marinated in a sesame/soy dressing on top of white rice! So yummy... the eggplant was out of this world!!!! Damian had the rice triangles and one had tuna in the middle and the other was a mystery but he liked them both and was really excited it wasn't a strictly vegetarian dinner like he's used to when I cook!
We're headed out tonight to experience a little Japanese night-life... I'm sure I will have some good stories/pictures to report back!
Japanese phrase of the day:
Chotto matte kudasai: One moment please
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