Was it chicken little that said the sky is falling??? Well, the sky isn't falling (just yet) but the air is heavy and the earth just won't stop shaking!!! Last night after the typhoon settled down a little bit and the wind and rain let up and I was just about to go to bed... we had yet another earthquake... 5.3! Mother Nature is really having her fun over on this side of the world... I mean really, enough is enough! Anyway, when I woke up this morning, the sun was shining and the view from my balcony was a lot different than last night! (notice the plant is upright and survived the storm)
I've had a headache on/off for about 2 days... and I attribute it completely from the barometric changes with all this crazy weather over here! It was beautiful here most of the day then all of a sudden this afternoon these dark rain clouds came out of nowhere! And besides the constant headache I have also come down with a terrible ailment... it's called Phantom Earthquake Syndrome and I only have a mild case of it.... no joke! Basically I think we are always having an earthquake... even if it's just my leg shaking under the table... no really I am in constant hyperawareness and am never really sure if we are or aren't having an earthquake. Even last night when that moderate sized earthquake was going on... I had to look at my water glass to see the water moving in it to make sure I wasn't just making this earthquake up in my head! Even today, I would get sort of dizzy for no reason and was unsure if we had just had a small earthquake or not. If you look at the earthquake activity for Japan, it is ridiculous... there are about 15 a day, granted some of the are very small, but the earth is constantly shifting under us and I live in fear of the next earthquake... ok, maybe not fear, but you know what I mean!

I walked in the door this afternoon and my magic jack was ringing, which is weird because I almost always close my computer before leaving but I'm sure glad I didn't because it was Damian! YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (crowd cheering)... ok so there is no crowd here but in my head the crowd was cheering... Anyway, it was great to hear his voice and talk to him, I really needed that today. This is going to be a tough deployment, but I have come to terms with it. I talked with him for about 20 minutes, and it sounds like he has been very busy on the ship, which is good because then time goes by fast for him!
Japanese word of the day:
Jishin: Earthquake
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