Not much going on here this week... pretty quiet actually. Damian has been back to work this week although he was home sick yesterday... I can't believe Christmas is just a few days away... it really came out of nowhere this year! I am missing being home for the holidays but thank goodness for skype that helps us stay connected! It is crazy to look back at our year and think of EVERYTHING we have done in just a years time... Last year at Christmas we weren't even engaged yet... that was the day AFTER Christmas when we were exploring San Francisco and since then we have had a crazy little year... We got married in March in Hawaii... finished up our last semester of Grad school and graduated with our Masters' in May, had 2 wedding receptions in June, one on the East coast and one on the West, Damian left for Japan/deployment in June and I spent the summer hanging in NE studying for my boards, then I moved to Japan in August and then Damian got deployed again, we traveled in Singapore and Hog Kong together and Damian got to see Thailand and South Korea, then homecoming in November and our first Thanksgiving/Chanukkah/Christmas as a married couple and in Japan!!!!! Phew.... that's exhausting just thinking about this past year!

Japanese Phrase of the Day:
Nihongo hanasemasen (nee-hon-go hah-nah-say-mah-sen): I can't speak Japanese
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