Happy/Merry Chrismukkah... I'm finally getting into the holiday spirit as the holidays get a little bit closer... I was feeling like a grinch because everyone else was already so into it, but I realized it's just not normal to be that spirited so close to Thanksgiving... I like to wait until it is actually the holiday season! As you can see to the left, Damian and I put up a mini-Chrismukkah tree in our apartment. All of our holiday decorations are safely tucked away in our Navy storage in San Diego so we had to start from scratch for this year... For less than $80 at the exchange we were able to get a tree, ornaments, lights, and stockings! Our ornament for this year is a Santa Claus with an American flag that is saluting and it says U.S. Navy... very appropriate for this year. We also picked up an "Aloha" ornament to represent our Hawaiian wedding/elopement! Our tree is fake, which is great because we can use it again next year and we have been burning pine scented candles and when you walk in, it almost smells like we have a real holiday tree!!! The only thing missing is a fireplace... the other day I found one of those fireplace videos on youtube (with real crackling sounds and all) and when Damian walked in I had it all cued up next to the tree so that it looked like we had a small fire going... pretty funny!!!
Not much new here in the far east... Damian is on leave this week which is probably why I haven't blogged in a week... I've been soaking up every last minute with him even if we are just sitting on the couch watching movies!

We finally just finished addressing all of our holiday cards and finishing up last minute gifts for packages... unfortunately because we live in Japan... everyone will most likely be getting these after Christmas because the post office here is completely out of control right now... lines out the door, no parking, pushy grumpy people... pretty much the same as at home except here half of the people are in uniform and the other half are pushing baby carriages! I was lucky enough to skype with my BEST and oldest tomodachi's in NYC the other day... funny but we all just happened to have reindeer ears on! hahaha This holiday season will be tough without friends/family but hopefully we will keep busy. I'm not sure what we are doing yet for Chistmas or New Years, but we are going to a Chanukkah party at the temple next week which should be fun! Later this week we are going to head up to Yokohama or Tokyo to see some holiday lights/decorations!
The other day Damian and I went out in town on a serious search for Sparkling Apple Chu-hi's... our new favorite... they are seasonal and they are so oishii! If you have ever had Martinelli's apple cider you understand what these chu-hi's taste like... amazing! You don't even taste any alcohol in them which I suppose could be very dangerous! We bought 2 cases!

We also bought some more sake... the cloudy/milky looking one (thanks Amber for the suggestion)... the one we bought is kept chilled and is a peach flavor... we are actually sharing some right now! It is very good, but again very dangerous because it tastes like peach juice... like a more subtle peach schnapps! This is a picture of our dinner tonight... we're having... (surprise surprise)... Japanese food!!!! We bought some inari (sweet tofu wrapped around rice) at the store the other day, and I made miso soup with tofu and put udon noodles in it and then of course some white rice on the side... AND chu-hi's!
This is a video my friend posted on Facebook the other day and I think everyone should watch it... it is absolutely amazing and Damian and I really enjoyed watching it!!! Awesome tribute to the armed forces!!!!!
Japanese Word of the Day:
Douitashimashite (doe-ee-ta-she-mosh-tay): Your Welcome (this is a tough one... I'm sure a smile would go a long way too)
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