Have I mentioned how nice it has been to have Damian home??? I think I may have mentioned it a time or two, but it really really is. I take joy in the little things we do together and really am appreciating all the time we are able to spend together! Last week we made a quick walking trip out in town and got some fresh fruits/veggies and also stopped at the 7-11 right outside of the gate to get some chu-hi's... I know I swore I would never again drink one but this flavor interested me greatly! It was a sparkling chardonnay chu-hi!!!!! AND it was so delicious! Damian and I sat out on our patio (it wasn't too cold) and had our chu-hi's and dinner and enjoyed a nice quiet night! This past weekend was nice, we went to a birthday party on Saturday at our friends place and it was a good time... I brought a quinoa salad and some sushi I made as I feel that I have mastered it enough to actually share with the world now! It was a hit!
Yesterday, Damian and I had a little outing in town and did some grocery shopping and some home and holiday shopping as well. He doesn't have his license yet, but passed the written exam and will take the driving test this week.... yeah!!!!

I can't wait and then he can drive me around... although I will probably still be driving him to work everyday so I can have the car... Anyway, we didn't go too far, just out in town, but it was only my second time driving off base... mostly because I am terrified to drive out there by myself because I need a navigator and someone there for moral support! We stopped at lots of different stores and had a good time exploring together. We had fun just wandering around the stores and checking out what they had... Damian spent awhile in the rice cooker section admiring the fine craftsmanship of these technologically advanced rice cookers! We decided that our rice cooker is still making pretty good rice so we will wait to get a fancy one for now!

As Damian was admiring the rice cookers, I found myself standing in an aisle full of sake... shocker?!?! It was amazing.. these bottle were so HUGE!!! We have been here for a few months and haven't once had sake... seriously! We decided we would buy a bottle and try it out... we had NO idea where to begin... we sort of decided on a bottle for price and because we liked the label... I have no idea how else to buy sake when the labels are all in Japanese and we have no idea what any of them say... I guess we will just have to use trial and error while picking out sake!

One purchase we made on our outing yesterday was a noren... A noren is a traditonal Japanese fabric divider used as room dividers, hung in doorways, on walls, or in windows. They have vertical slits in them so you can walk through and have multiple purposes. They come in many different sizes and colors/patterns. Often restaurants and shops hang them in their doorways to protect from sun, wind, dust into their establishments. They put them out to show they are open and at the end of the day take them down. Many Japanese have them in their homes and use them to divide rooms or in doorways to help to hold the heat or cool in the room. Some of them are thick and have beautiful traditional Japanese designs on them We opted for a simple design in a neutral color and we put it on our side door of our kitchen.... I love it! It is perfect there and it's kind of fun to pop out of the curtain sometimes... although this novelty may fade in time...
Japanese Word of the Day:
Mise (me-say): Store
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